Reduce Military Spending

Global Day of Action on Military Spending

Sydney, Australia, May 7 2024. Media Release Marles condemns Australia to poverty and environmental catastrophe “We are outraged by Defence Minister Richard Marles announcement that Australia’s military spending will rise from the current 1.9 per cent to over 2.4 per cent of GDP. Labor’s commitment will increase spending by nearly $10 billion a year by […]

Reduce Military Spending

Marle’s Big Spend on the military – a disgrace

Marles boost to military spending is a disgrace Peace groups are outraged by Defence Minister Richard Marles announcement today at the Press Club that Australia’s military spending will rise from the current 1.9 per cent to over 2.4 per cent of GDP. “Marles is condemning Australia to poverty and environmental catastrophe, not protecting our security. […]

gcoms action sheet Reduce Military Spending

Release of SIPRI figures 2024

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) New SIPRI military expenditure data Media conference on the figures for military spending over the year just past A summary of this year’s figures will be available at this conference Where: Senator David Shoebridge’s office Suite 201, Level 2, 1A Lawson Square, Redfern NSW 2016 When: Tuesday April 23, […]

A Nuke Free World Reduce Military Spending Reject the US-AUS Military Alliance US Bases out of Australia

The Campaign Outline on Nuclear Submarines

NO NUCLEAR SUBMARINES Campaign proposals a) Campaign plan – for all Work to develop specific actions to involve the ALP left in the campaign; send letters to and/or ring all ALP Federal and State parliamentarians Work to develop specific actions to involve environmental groups in the campaign Work to develop specific actions to involve anti-nuclear […]

A Nuke Free World Reduce Military Spending

AUKUS and Nuclear Submarines

PUBLIC STATEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 20 Sep. 2021   Australians speak out against nuclear submarines and AUKUS   Australia cannot become a staging point for the U.S. military, we cannot abrogate our sovereignty to the U.S., we cannot encourage nuclear proliferation and risk environmental catastrophe.   Australian peace, environmental and other activists and organisations […]

Reduce Military Spending Reject the US-AUS Military Alliance

Actions to counter postponement of the ‘The No War with China’

Lockdown forces postponement of ‘No War with China Rally. “There are plenty of other ways to demonstrate!” NSW Police when they shut down the ‘Black Lives Matter’ demonstrations last year.  Introduction: We are calling on all our supporters to take advantage of the approach of July 4 Independence Day for the US as an opportunity […]

media release Reduce Military Spending

2020 Federal Budget: Tonight’s budget a setback for Australia and the region

Frydenberg’s 2020-21 budget confirms a profligate spend on Australia’s military capabilities that is unjustifiable from every view point: strategic, economic, environmental and social. The addition of a further $3 billion to the already allocated $42.2billion for 2020-21 will see Australia acquire a military capability grossly disproportionate to its defence needs. The planned capability will work […]

Reduce Military Spending

Morrison Government condemned over stimulus to the Military

media release 26/08/2020 PM Morrison condemned over so-called stimulus to military spending. PM Morrison has opted for the easy way out of dealing with economic problems brought on by the Covid crisis.  Instead of an Australia better equipped after the virus we will be only be better armed even though we have no enemies. “The […]

$270 billion campaign Reduce Military Spending

$270 Billion Campaign

No security and few jobsin Morrison’s $270 billion war preparations Australia is embarking on the 21st-century version of a Cold War weapons build-up, emphasising submarines and other naval assets, intelligence, satellites and, for the first time, long-range missiles for use away from Australian shores. There are compelling reasons why diplomacy, rather than sparking an arms […]

Reduce Military Spending

Prime Minister opts for a military led recovery from the Covid recession

Media release 30/6/20 Prime Minister opts for a military led recovery from the Covid recession The prospect of the Australian Government spending $270 billion on military spending is backward thinking and ultimately a disadvantage for all Australians. “We now know why the Australian Government has been conducting a scare campaign about China and Chinese cyber […]