Campaigns media release US Bases out of Australia

Pine Gap threatens Gaza, China and Australia

The Pine Gap spy base near Alice Springs is expanding and so is its importance to the US,” Denis Doherty from the Anti-Bases Campaign said in Sydney today. Launched by a US-Australia treaty in 1966, the spy base is run by the CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA). Satellites operated out of Pine Gap […]

media release Reduce Military Spending

2020 Federal Budget: Tonight’s budget a setback for Australia and the region

Frydenberg’s 2020-21 budget confirms a profligate spend on Australia’s military capabilities that is unjustifiable from every view point: strategic, economic, environmental and social. The addition of a further $3 billion to the already allocated $42.2billion for 2020-21 will see Australia acquire a military capability grossly disproportionate to its defence needs. The planned capability will work […]

media release Reduce Military Spending

3.6% surge in global military spending

3.6% surge in global military spending The announcement by the independent Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) that the world’s military expenditure for 2019 has gone up by 3.6% — the largest annual increase in a decade — is an indictment on the world’s priorities.  When the Covid-19 pandemic hit there were not enough medical […]

media release

Health more important than security

Health more important than security   The Australia Anti-Bases Campaign (AABC) totally rejects Foreign Minister Marise Payne’s recent statement that the US should maintain its concerns about security in the Pacific at this time of crisis over the coronavirus pandemic. AABC spokesman Denis Doherty said: “Instead we call on the Australian Government to immediately take […]

media release

Statement on the attack on Iran and the assassination of Qasem Soleimani

Statement on the attack on Iran and the assassination of Qasem Soleimani The Australian Anti-Bases Campaign condemns unequivocally the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian General killed by a US drone strike on Friday 3rd Jan.  Assassination as a form of political action is not conducive to positive responses or an improvement in relationships.   […]

media release US Bases out of Australia

No to war against the Kurds – Condemnation of the Turkish Government

ANTI-BASES calls an immediate ceasefire and a withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syrian Territory. The war started by Turkey is an aggression against the Kurdish people and an attack against the Syrian territorial sovereignty. This cannot be and is not the solution of the regional problems. It only brings more civilian suffering and death.  After […]

media release No US Base on Manus Is Reject the US-AUS Military Alliance

America’s $300 million push to expand naval facilities in northern Australia

Australia is a Vassal of the United States not an Ally America‘s $300 million push to expand naval facilities in northern Australia “The Australian Government is handing over Darwin and its surrounds to the US military with secret plans for a naval base, a commercial port and roads. Once again Canberra is giving up Australian […]

media release Reduce Military Spending

Australia provides weapons to the Yemen War. media release 25th July

Australia must be transparent about its military exports: Australian Arms Control Coalition 25th July, 2019: A newly formed group of civil society organisations and human rights advocates are calling on the Australian Government to lift the shield of secrecy over the sale and export of Australian-made military assets, following a damning ABC report aired today. […]

media release Reduce Military Spending

64% Australians reject arms sales to Saudi Arabia media release

Media release 12th June 2019 The majority of Australians believe that Australia should follow countries like Germany and Finland and suspend weapons trading with Saudi Arabia which has been accused of committing human rights atrocities as part of the on going war in neighbouring Yemen. A new survey by Essential Research has revealed that 64 […]

media release

Russian Nuclear Weapons the responsibility of the US and Australia

“We strongly condemn the Russian Government for developing new nuclear weapons. This is totally unacceptable at a time when most nations of the world are signing the United Nations treaty on the abolition of nuclear weapons,” Dr Hannah Middleton from the Anti-Bases Campaign said in Sydney today. “However, we also hold the US responsible for […]