Reduce Military Spending

Global Day of Action on Military Spending

Sydney, Australia, May 7 2024.

Media Release

Marles condemns Australia to poverty and environmental catastrophe

“We are outraged by Defence Minister Richard Marles announcement that Australia’s military spending will rise from the current 1.9 per cent to over 2.4 per cent of GDP. Labor’s commitment will increase spending by nearly $10 billion a year by the mid-2030s,” Denis Doherty from the Australian Anti-Base Campaign Coalition said in Sydney today.

“Marles is condemning Australia to poverty and environmental catastrophe, not protecting our security. We will be poorer, not safer. This is a disgrace.

“We will be calling for a cut in Australia’s exorbitant military budget at a rally on Tuesday 7 May at 12 noon at Railway Square, Mr Doherty said.

“Spending more and more on the military has only brought us more human and ecological devastation. More of the same will not change the situation,” Peter Murphy from the Sydnet Anti-AUKUS Campaign said.

“It should be obvious by now that countries trying to outspend one another by buying more and more deadly weapons systems does not create peace or security.

“It has not worked in the past and it never will,” Mr Murphy said. 

Marles has announced that the defence budget will be increased by $50.3 billion by 2034, with a $330 billion plan for weapons and equipment.

“We face serious community problems including cost of living pressures, a housing crisis, racism, a failing mental health system, escalating violence against women, environmental disasters and more,” Mr Doherty said.

“There is a desperate need for a Federal Government to solve these issues but the Albanese Government has gone missing.  Instead Marles and others are playing a hairy chested approach to our economic and social problems,” he said.