media release

Statement on the attack on Iran and the assassination of Qasem Soleimani

Statement on the attack on Iran and the assassination of Qasem Soleimani

The Australian Anti-Bases Campaign condemns unequivocally the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian General killed by a US drone strike on Friday 3rd Jan.  Assassination as a form of political action is not conducive to positive responses or an improvement in relationships.


“While the world watches what Iran will do in response and the risk of war rises exponentially, we in Australia watch with horror as we realise that US bases in Australia may have had a hand in the targeting of Qasem.” Said Denis Doherty of the anti-bases campaign.


“Furthermore, due to our total compliance with US wishes we have warships in and around the Strait of Hormuz which could be a handy target for Iranian anti-ship missiles.  Once again Australian lives are put in harm’s way for the satisfaction of Australian political leaders proving their devotion to the US Empire.”


In WW 2, the Prime Minister had to call back Australian troops to defend us in the face of a possible invasion by Japan.  In 2020 Australia faces the terrible emergency brought by on by climate change and the bushfires.  No units of the ADF must be allowed to be involved in any conflict with Iran.”


“This is not the time to provide an extra battalion or air squadron but a time to concentrate on the emergency on our own shores.  We cannot afford the lives or treasure for the US war against Iran.”


We call on the Prime Minister and his Government to act in the best interests of the country and keep our troops fighting bushfires and our climate catastrophe.


Our demands are:  No new ADF elements to be sent to Iraq/Iran

Bring back HMAS Toowoomba to Australian waters

Bring back the 300 Australian troops presently in Iraq.