media release US Bases out of Australia

No to war against the Kurds – Condemnation of the Turkish Government

ANTI-BASES calls an immediate ceasefire and a withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syrian Territory.

The war started by Turkey is an aggression against the Kurdish people and an attack against the Syrian territorial sovereignty.

This cannot be and is not the solution of the regional problems. It only brings more civilian suffering and death.  After 4 days of the Turkish Operation there have been many causalities and over 100,000 are fleeing the fighting.

We state categorically that the following entities: the Turkish Government led by President Erdogan, the USA or any other imperialist force can bring peace to the people of Syria.

The real threat to the security of the Middle East is NATO, the US and the imperialist forces and those who insist on collaborating with them.

ANTI-BASES strongly condemn Turkey’s invasion with the permission of the US.  We acknowledge that the Kurdish people that have bravely fought against ISIS and protected civilians in the region.  We further condemn the cynicism of the US officials who acted to have the Kurdish forces remove the defensive barriers in a so called ‘security mechanism’ against an incursion by Turkey which left the Kurds in an even more vulnerable position.

ANTI-BASES calls for an immediate ceasefire.

The ANTI-BASES further condemn the limp wristed response of the Scott Morrison and his Government and the almost mirror image by the ALP opposition.

We call on the Morrison Government to follow French and German example by banning all military cooperation with Turkey.  That includes putting the list below on hold:

  • cooperation on Airborne Early Warning Aircraft development and use;
    • cooperation on Landing Ship Helicopter Dock (LHD) development and use;
    • Joint Defence Industry Trade Missions, and;
    •Training exchanges.

We further warn that the Australian Government must not hide behind the ANZAC myth when it comes to this action.  We do not honour the men who fought in Gallipoli by piling Kurdish corpses on the graves of the fallen of WW1.

Also, ANTI-BASES stresses that the UN must to take its responsibilities vis-à-vis the rights of the Kurdish people. Negotiations must start with all stakeholders in order to guarantee the rights of the Kurdish people.

ANTI-BASES supports all protest actions in front of Turkish embassies and consulates all over the Australia. The ANTI-BASES urges its members and supporters to join with members of the Australian Kurdish Community in expressing our disgust at the decision by Turkey to invade and the treacherous actions of the US.