Reject the US-AUS Military Alliance US Bases out of Australia

So we were right all along – SMH 26/4/18 by Nick Miller

From Sydney Morning Herald today (Thursday) For decades the Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition and other peace groups have argued that Pine Gap is a US facility and that Australia does not know everything that goes on there, cannot control its activities, and does not have full access to its intelligence gathering. We were told we were […]

Reduce Military Spending Uncategorized

GCOMS 2018 April 21 Event at Railway Square Sydney 11 am

d1 Master of Ceremonies Welcome. Welcome everyone who is here for the awards for the best weapons exporters for 2018. Some deluded people call us merchants of death but we see ourselves more positively. After all, we facilitated the rubblelisation of the Middle East and now the construction or reconstruction industry. We provided the impetus […]


Good letter in Today’s Sydney Morning Herald 26/3/2018

Playing the right cards Kim Beazley says Trump agreeing to meet Kim Jong-un is sacrificing a “crucial US playing card”, for which Trump gets no return (“Not even Bolton knows what Trump will do next”, March 24-25). What he should have done, asserts Beazley, would have been to negotiate a clear process to. denuclearise the […]

media release

Russian Nuclear Weapons the responsibility of the US and Australia

“We strongly condemn the Russian Government for developing new nuclear weapons. This is totally unacceptable at a time when most nations of the world are signing the United Nations treaty on the abolition of nuclear weapons,” Dr Hannah Middleton from the Anti-Bases Campaign said in Sydney today. “However, we also hold the US responsible for […]

media release

More Marines for Darwin? No! Boot ‘em out!

Media Release Monday, February 26, 2018 Anti-Bases and IPAN –NSW peace groups have condemned Prime Minister Turnbull’s agreement in Washington to increase the number of US Marines in Darwin to 2,500 at a greater rate than originally planned.   “This is a backward step which is against Australia’s interests,” Denis Doherty of the Anti-Bases Campaign […]

Reject the US-AUS Military Alliance

The misbehaviour of HMAS Melbourne and HMAS Parramatta

Dear Minister,   We are sad to read of an account of the above ships stopping near the village of Gangjeong on Jeju Island South Korea reported in a newsletter printed by that village.   The article alleges that the RAN ships arrived on Nov 3 2017 and while other ships from other countries stopped […]

media release

Australia’s Fascination with Violence

The Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition (AABCC) and the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network NSW (IPAN NSW) profoundly oppose the PM’s statement on placing Australia among the top ten of arms exporters through its new arm export strategy.  We fully support and commend this statement by Professor Stuart Rees – Council for peace and justice Sydney […]

Featured Reduce Military Spending

Letter re Arms Trade

The Hon. Marise Payne,Minister for Defence,P.O. Box 6100,Parliament House,Canberra, 2600. Dear Ms Payne, As we approach, this year, the centenary of the cease fire of the war to end all wars it is disturbing to say the least that our government wants to remember the loss of sixty thousand lives with a massive programme for Australia to […]